bag·man (băg’mәn) n., pl. –men (mĭn). 1. Slang.

dishonest official; a person who collects, carries, or distributes illegal payoff money.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cagney Hardboils the Bureau of Weights and Measures!

Obviously the FBI was promoting a positive image for itself--and making sure they got federal funding--but at some point Hollywood had to go that extra, bordering on superfluous, mile! What we got was James Cagney in The Great Guy! Cagney stars as an agent of (get this!) The Bureau of Weights and Measures. Tune in at 9:45 and you'll see our wiry little Fed take down America's Worst Enemy--a butcher with his thumb on the scale!

Strangely enough, this one of my favorite Cagney movies.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Killer Review from The Dowser!

Check it out! Joe Bonadonna gave TALES OF THE BAGMAN a very nice review. He even talked about characterization and all that stuff some people don't get. He also says I know old Chicago better than he does which is a pile of crap because I met Joe at Windy City Pulpfest and in five minutes he was talking about stuff I knew nothing about.

Joe is the author of MAD SHADOWS. A fantastic pulp involving a supernatural detective in another world, who uses a dowsing rod to solve his problems. But, remember in the old westerns where the guy would walk around holding that forked stick to find a well underground? Well, now it finds a lot more, and a whole lot of trouble. Review forthcoming, I guess.

All I have to say is thanks.